Introducing Amateur Satellites – YouTube Livestream – Friday 7.45pm ACDT

AREG in conjunction with Hayden VK7HH and the HamRadioDX YouTube channel are pleased to bring to you a presentation by Adam VK2YK / VK5GA on how to get started with Amateur Radio Satellites.

AREG Members can meet Adam in person at our main meeting venue, Fulham Community Centre, in Adelaide. Remote members can interact with the meeting via Zoom. Non members will be able to watch the session via HamRadioDX on Youtube.

The presentation starts at:

  • 7.45pm Central Daylight Time
  • 8.15pm Eastern Daylight Time
  • 7.15pm Queensland
  • 6.45pm Northern Territory
  • 5:15pm Western Australia



AREG VHF Sprint – Log Submission Problems – Instructions

As with all new events things sometimes have teething problems. We appear to have some issues with submitting logs for the AREG sprint.

Firstly please make sure your cabrillo header has the following rows:

CALLSIGN: [your call here]
OPERATORS: [your operator call here]

Once you have those rows we are finding that the logger checker is not accepting the logs without an error. We are investigating this with the log checker host and will announce here what the next steps will be!

In the meantime – can you please submit your logs by email to vk5arg (at)

AREG Presentation: 50MHz Ionospheric Propagation – THIS FRIDAY

AREG is pleased to announce that our guest speaker for our October meeting is Roger Harrison, VK2ZRH. The topic is “Ionospheric Propagation on 50MHz”.

For Adelaide based members the meeting will be held from our club rooms in Fulham Community Centre, Phelps Ct, Fulham, with Roger presenting from his home in Queensland. For remote members, it will be also available via Zoom where you can interact with the meeting. For non members, you can view the presentation via the HamRadioDX YouTube channel.

Start time is 7.45pm ACDT

(8.15pm AEDT, 7.15pm AEST, 6.45pm ACST, 5.15pm AWST, 0915 UTC)

It’s called “the magic band”. Propagation of 50MHz signals over long distances is supported by serendipitous opportunities that arise in the ionosphere, in both the E and F regions. Those opportunities may be anticipated, but cannot be reliably forecast. You’ve gotta be there when they happen! Then, it’s magic.

Roger will be covering the characteristics of ionospheric sporadic-E propagation (Es), transequatorial .propagation (TEP), and ionospheric F2 propagation. He has extensive experience in this area having previously worked for the IPS Space Weather Services Research / Engineering branch.

Next AREG Meeting: Friday 21st – Ionospheric propagation on 50MHz

Roger VK2ZRH

AREG is pleased to announce that our guest speaker for our October meeting is Roger Harrison, VK2ZRH. The topic is “Ionospheric Propagation on 50MHz”.

It’s called “the magic band”. Propagation of 50MHz signals over long distances is supported by serendipitous opportunities that arise in the ionosphere, in both the E and F regions. Those opportunities may be anticipated, but cannot be reliably forecast. You’ve gotta be there when they happen! Then, it’s magic.

Roger will be covering the characteristics of ionospheric sporadic-E propagation (Es), transequatorial .propagation (TEP), and ionospheric F2 propagation. He has extensive experience in this area having previously worked for the IPS Space Weather Services Research / Engineering branch.

This presentation is also very timely with some of the early 50MHz openings to Japan occurring just this week, right at the start of the summer 50MHz DX season.

Where and When

The meeting will be held in person in Adelaide, at the Fulham Community Centre, off Phelps Court, Fulham on Friday 21st October, starting at:

  • 7.45pm Australian Central Daylight Savings Time (ACDT)
  • 7.15pm Queensland Standard Time (AEST)
  • 8.15pm Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDT)
  • 6:45pm NT Standard time (ACST)
  • 5:15pm Australian Western Standard Time (AWST)
  • 0915 Hrs UTC

Visitors are always welcome at the club rooms which will be open from 7.15pm. Roger will be presenting to us remotely from his home in Queensland.

For remote AREG members, the meeting will also be held over Zoom.

For non Adelaide based non members, you will be able to tune in to Rogers presentation via Hayden VK7HH’s HamRadioDX YouTube channel.

We hope to see you there!


AREG Meeting Friday 16th Sep: Introduction to DMR Digital Voice Radio Systems

As a reminder, AREG is hosting a presentation this Friday night introducing DMR Digital Voice networks, following the commissioning of the VK5RWN DMR Repeater.

The meeting will start at 7.45pm ACST (8.15pm AEST) and will be relayed to YouTube with thanks to Hayden VK7HH via the HamRadioDX Channel

You can attend in person for the presentation by visiting the AREG clubrooms, off Phelps Court, in Fulham, Adelaide. Doors open from 7.15pm


The Adelaide AREG DMR repeater is in part made possible through internet services obtained from KernWi-Fi, who also sponsor AREG’s Adelaide CBD analogue repeater site VK5RSA.

Next Meeting: Introducing DMR Digital Voice Operation

The next meeting of the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group will be held on Friday 16th September, 7.45pm at the Fulham Community Centre, Phelps Court, Fulham.

The presentation this month is an introduction to DMR – “Digital Mobile Radio”, following on from the successful launch of the club’s VK5RWN DMR Repeater on 438.900MHz last month.

Our panel of speakers includes Mark VK5QI who will introduce the fundamentals of DMR, Ben VK5BB who will take us through what all of the DMR terminology means and how it applies to programming your DMR radio, and Peter VK4NBL who will take us through other ways of connecting to DMR when you are out of range of the repeater.

For AREG regional members, the presentation will be webcast via Zoom. For non members we will be streaming the presentation via VK7HH Hayden’s HamRadioDX channel on YouTube! (details to follow)

Visitors are always welcome at the hall. There will also be a short business meeting held after the presentation.

For members, this is also intended as an introduction to a subsequent code plug building workshop night to be held in the next 4-6 weeks at the hall, If you have any interest or even curiosity in what DMR is all about this is a very useful presentation to come and learn more!

New VK5 VHF Contest Announced: The AREG VHF Sprint!

The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group is proud to announce a new event in the VK5 Amateur Calendar ! This coming October, the AREG will hold its inaugural AREG VHF 2m Sprint contest.

The aim of this event is to promote 2m FM simplex activity between stations in a fast paced, work as many QSO’s as you can, fun filled, action packed, 30 minute period.

Running on a Sunday just after the WIA broadcast we hope to see many people head out to their nearest hill top for an hour to come and play radio !

The rules of the contest, similar to the WIA Harry Angel sprint, will be released closer to the date. Meanwhile, now is a good time to go and find that 2m mono-band FM radio that’s been languishing in the back corner of the shack, dust it off and get it ready for battle.

Please watch the AREG website and listen to the WIA VK5 local broadcast for further news!

September FOXHUNT – This Friday 6.30pm

The next monthly AREG Foxhunt will be run this coming Friday starting 6.30pm from the Adelaide Aquatic Centre car park. Hunts will run on 2m and 70cm.

Liaison will be on the Summertown 70cm repeater which operates on 439.900 (-5MHz) 91.5CTCSS.

The event is open to anyone with radio direction finding equipment and will span most of the Adelaide metropolitan area. We would love to see you there!