VK5RWN DMR Connectivity Failure – under investigation

The VK5RWN DMR repeater has developed a fault and has lost connectivity with the Internet. A site visit this evening confirmed that the repeater unit was no longer getting access to the site router. We appear to have had an ethernet port failure but are still trying to prove where the problem lies.

Meanwhile VK5RWN DMR is still on the air, but is only operating in local mode until we can restore the internet connectivity. Apologies for this break in transmission and we will attempt to restore service as soon as we can.


Adelaide VK5RSB 23cm repeater – temporarily off air

AREG regrets to announce that the VK5RSB 23cm repeater service has temporarily been suspended.

The repeater has been switched off following the appearance of some wide-band interference on the 23cm band that has affected the repeater’s input. The club believes that this interference is coming from someone operating what appears to be either a radar or other type of wide-band transmitter (which is the primary user of the 23cm band) in the Adelaide area. This interference (which appears to be over 20MHz wide) is also affecting weak signal SSB operations in the metropolitan area.

The VK5RSB 23cm repeater, which normally operates on 1273.5/1295.3 MHz will remain shut down until we can either identify a way of either preventing the interference from triggering the repeater or until the interference ceases. As the secondary service on this band, Amateur Radio operators do not have many (if any) options regulatory wise, to resolve the situation.

We will provide a further update once the situation has become clearer.


Our VI25AREG Special Event QSL Card is now off to the printers. QSL cards will be available for ordering via our QSL Manager, Charles M0OXO.

The callsign still has 12 days to run and will conclude on 31st August 2023!


Cards can be requested using the Online QSL Request Service (OQRS) which offers options for both direct QSLs as well as via the Bureau. Note: We will only distribute cards via the M0OXO OQRS service. You can access the service via the following link:



Spring VHF/Field Day – this weekend! VL5X will be there…

The WIA Australian VHF/UHF Field day will be held this coming weekend. AREG will be setting up portable from the ranges to the west of Tarlee. We will be operating on 50/144/432 and 1296MHz in the 24hr section of the contest! Look out for VL5X on the air on both horizontal and vertical polarisation using both SSB and FM modes (and maybe even some CW) across the bands. VL5X will be a multi-op station.

If there are other AREG members who want to join the contest team for the weekend please contact vk5arg at areg.org.au on email to let us know of your interest!

See you on the air!