September Meeting – Adam VK2YK/VK5GA – “The GreenGube (IO-117) Experience!”

The next AREG meeting will be held on Friday the 20th of September at the Fulham Community Centre – Phelps Court, Fulham, with doors opening at 7:00 PM, and the presentation kicking off at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome!

Adam’s portable setup for working IO-117 and other satellites

This month’s presentation will be from Adam VK5GA/VK2YK on operating the GreenCube (IO-117) Medium-Earth-Orbit amateur satellite!

Adam will give a run down on his journey and experience so far with IO-117 (Greencube) Digipeater satellite, including info on his setup and issues encountered along the way. He will provide a brief update on health of the satellite at the moment.

If you’ve never come along to one of our meetings, we’d love to see you there, all guests are welcome at the hall. For our remote members, the meeting will be broadcast via Zoom, and will be recorded for upload after the evening.

After the talks we’ll all be given an opportunity to have an eyeball QSO among ourselves whilst enjoying a tea or coffee and a biscuit.

73, Mark VK5QI

August Meeting – Andrew VK5CV – “From Electric Eels to Human Treatments”

The next AREG meeting will be held on Friday the 16th of August at the Fulham Community Centre – Phelps Court, Fulham, with doors opening at 7:00 PM, and the presentation kicking off at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome!


This month’s presentation will be from Dr Andrew Russell, VK5CV, titled “From Electric Eels to Human Treatments” – A history from the earliest observations of physical and animal electricity to state-of-the-art cardiac therapies. Andrew is a cardiologist, and this sure to be an interesting talk, with a topic a bit different to our usual fare!

If you’ve never come along to one of our meetings, we’d love to see you there, all guests are welcome at the hall. For our remote members, the meeting will be broadcast via Zoom, and will be recorded for upload after the evening.

After the talks we’ll all be given an opportunity to have an eyeball QSO among ourselves whilst enjoying a tea or coffee and a biscuit.

73, Mark VK5QI

Next AREG Meeting: July AGM and Grant VK5GR: The Flinders Island DXPedition

Update: This presentation is now available on Youtube (thanks Hayden!):

The next AREG meeting will be held on Friday the 19th of July at the Fulham Community Centre – Phelps Court, Fulham. This will be the AREG’s Annual General Meeting, which will include the election of the 2024-2025 committee.

This months presentation will be from Grant VK5GR, on the Flinders Island DXpedition, which occurred back in April 2024:

Grant will take you on the journey the team followed to bring the VK5FIL IOTA and WWFF project to life and tell the stories of the fun had along the way. VK5FIL was the first time IOTA OC-261 had been activated since 2013 and so it was in high demand. Whats more, the three parks that covered parts of the island had never been activated before adding even more interest for the WWFF community.

Doors open at 7.00pm and the presentation kicks off at 7.30. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you’ve never come along to one of our meetings, we’d love to see you there, all guests are welcome. For our remote members, the meeting will be broadcast via Zoom, and will also be recorded for release on the HamRadioDX Youtube channel!

After the talks we’ll all be given an opportunity to have an eyeball QSO among ourselves whilst enjoying a tea or coffee and a biscuit.

73, Mark VK5QI

June Meeting – Adventures in the Microwave Bands by Iain VK5ZD

The presentation from this meeting was recorded and is now available on Youtube! (Thanks Hayden!) Unfortunately we had network issues when recording, so the audio has some corruption – apologies!

The next AREG meeting will be held on Friday the 21st of June at the Fulham Community Centre – Phelps Court, Fulham, with doors opening at 7:00 PM, and the presentation kicking off at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome!

This month’s presentation will be from Iain VK5ZD, on his adventures in microwave operation over the years:

This talk will be about the many and varied pieces of equipment I’ve used over the years to delve into the world of microwave communications. Starting with a 10 GHz wide-band FM system used in 1987, I will be discussing the various pieces gear I’ve used for all bands from 1.2 GHz through to 134 GHz.

If you’ve never come along to one of our meetings, we’d love to see you there, all guests are welcome at the hall. For our remote members, the meeting will be broadcast via Zoom.
Unfortunately we are not able to live-stream this talk on Youtube, but will make a recording and upload it later.

After the talks we’ll all be given an opportunity to have an eyeball QSO among ourselves whilst enjoying a tea or coffee and a biscuit.

73, Mark VK5QI

May Meeting – Steve VK5SFA – Adventures in building a Remote Station

The next AREG meeting will be held on Friday the 17th of May at the Fulham Community Centre – Phelps Court, Fulham, with doors opening at 7:00 PM, and the presentation kicking off at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome!

This month’s presentation will be from Steve Adler, VK5SFA:

I will be giving a presentation on my adventures in establishing a remote LF, MF, HF, VHF & UHF remote site.
This project has been 18 months in the making, and I would like to share with you all the way I failed my way to success!
The presentation will run for 2 hours, as there are many facets to discuss.
During the presentation, I will be talking about site establishment, antenna systems, remote control, setting up secure reliable internet, all the equipment required, and my latest addition, a steerable LF, MF and HF receiving antenna array which will blow you away!
Please trust me when I tell you that this is the one presentation you will not want to miss, as you will never see anything like it again!
For security reasons, there will be no YouTube or recording of the presentation, and I will be only presenting it once.
If you’ve never come along to one of our meetings, we’d love to see you there, all guests are welcome at the hall. For our remote members, the meeting will be broadcast via Zoom.

After the talks we’ll all be given an opportunity to have an eyeball QSO among ourselves whilst enjoying a tea or coffee and a biscuit.

73, Mark VK5QI

April Meeting – Amateur Radio Direction Finding 101

The next AREG meeting will be held on Friday the 19th of April at the Fulham Community Centre – Phelps Court, Fulham, with doors opening at 7:00 PM, and the presentation kicking off at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome!

Building on the success of AREG’s fox-hunt antenna group build, this month Mark VK5QI will be talking on Fox-hunting for beginners. No, we’re not talking about small furry animals, we’re talking about the sport of Amateur Radio Direction Finding. The talk will explain the equipment you need to get started, and some basic techniques that will help you find that first fox transmitter! There’ll be plenty of live demos showing various hunting equipment in action.

If you’ve never come along to one of our meetings, we’d love to see you there, all guests are welcome. For our remote members, the meeting will be broadcast via Zoom, and should also be streamed live on Hayden VK7HH’s HamRadioDX YouTube channel.

After the talks we’ll all be given an opportunity to have an eyeball QSO among ourselves whilst enjoying a tea or coffee and a biscuit.

73, Mark VK5QI

March Meeting – Hermes Lite SDRs by Scott VK2JAX

Update: This presentation was recorded and is available on Youtube.

The next AREG meeting will be held on Friday the 15th of March at the Fulham Community Centre – Phelps Court, Fulham, with doors opening at 7:00 PM, and the presentation kicking off at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome!

This month’s presentation will be from Scott VK2JAX, on the Hermes Lite SDR, an open-source and open-hardware direct conversion transceiver.

If you’ve never come along to one of our meetings, we’d love to see you there, all guests are welcome. For our remote members, the meeting will be broadcast via Zoom.

After the talks we’ll all be given an opportunity to have an eyeball QSO among ourselves whilst enjoying a tea or coffee and a biscuit.

73, Mark VK5QI

February Meeting – Club Member Lightning Talks!

The next AREG meeting will be held on Friday the 16th of February at the Fulham Community Centre – Phelps Court, Fulham, with doors opening at 7:00 PM, and the presentation kicking off at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome!

This month will see a return of the “Members Lightning Talks” format where members from the floor are invited to step up and give a short 5 minute talk about something that they have been doing or experimenting with.

If you’ve never come along to one of our meetings, we’d love to see you there, all guests are welcome. For our remote members, the meeting will be broadcast via Zoom.

After the talks we’ll all be given an opportunity to have an eyeball QSO among ourselves whilst enjoying a tea or coffee and a biscuit.

73, Mark VK5QI