AREG’s Radio & Electronics Sale – Saturday October 26th – Door Prizes!

AREG’s Amateur Radio & Electronics Sale will be held on Saturday the 26th of October, at the DogsSA Training Facility in Kilburn as a car boot sale format. Gates will open at 9:30AM for sellers, and 10AM for buyers.

The entry fee will be $5 for buyers, $10 for a seller car park spot, with an extra $5 for a trailer spot. We’ve still got some car spots available, so email to reserve your spot!

AREG are happy to announce that our door prizes this year will be $150 & $100 vouchers from TET-Emtron

We will also be holding a raffle for a Codan 9350 HF Auto-tuner antenna, courtesy of Dean from HF Radio Solutions! Tickets will be $5 each, available at the entry ticket table, and also at the AREG table.




AREG’s Radio & Electronics Sale – Saturday October 26th 2024 – VKRadio, Microwave & EME Demos!

AREG’s Amateur Radio & Electronics Sale will be held on Saturday the 26th of October, at the DogsSA Training Facility in Kilburn as a car boot sale format. Gates will open at 9:30AM for sellers, and 10AM for buyers.

AREG are happy to announce that VKRadio are joining our lineup of commercial retailers at our upcoming Radio & Electronics Sale!

VK Radio is your local Yaesu and SDRPlay dealer, and has also been providing reliable repair services for commercial and amateur radios since 1989!

The entry fee will be $5 for buyers, $10 for a seller car park spot, with an extra $5 for a trailer spot. Car and Trailer registrations are filling up fast, so email to reserve your spot!

Microwave Band and EME Demonstrations!

Our outdoor sales area will also be host to microwave band demonstrations from Nik VK3BA, Iain VK5ZD and David VK5KK! Come along and find out how you can get active in the GHz bands! David will also be bringing his 10 GHz Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) setup, and will be attempting to make some contacts throughout the day.




AREG’s Radio & Electronics Sale – Saturday October 26th 2024 – Registrations Filling up Fast!

AREG’s Amateur Radio & Electronics Sale will be held on Saturday the 26th of October, at the DogsSA Training Facility in Kilburn as a car boot sale format. Gates will open at 9:30AM for sellers, and 10AM for buyers.

Come grab all your shiny new radio bits from Elite Communications, check out the microwave band operation demos from Nik VK3BA, find a bargain from the many private sellers in the car/trailer area, and have an eyeball QSO with fellow amateur radio operators!

There’ll also be door prices from TET-Emtron and HF Radio Solutions!

The entry fee will be $5 for buyers, $10 for a seller car park spot, with an extra $5 for a trailer spot. Car and Trailer registrations are filling up fast, so email to reserve your spot!



October 26th


We hope to see you there!

Next Fox-Hunt – Friday 4th October – CANCELLED

UPDATE: Unfortunately due to many key people being unavailable this Month, we’ve had to cancel this month’s hunt. We’ll be back again on the 1st of November!

AREGs next car-based fox hunt will be held this coming Friday the 4th of October. We arrive at the start location around 6pm, and depart at 6:30 PM. Don’t forget to bring your torch, it’ll be dark!

We are also looking for volunteers to hide the foxes each month. If you would like to give this a go, please contact Mark at

Fox, Hunting.

Our start location is the Beaumont Road carpark, off South Terrace in the southern CBD Parklands. 

We’ll have three foxes deployed around the Adelaide area, on both the 2m and 70cm bands, so come along and have a go!

Area where the foxes might be hidden.

The frequencies will be:

  • 145.300 MHz (1W transmit power)
  • 144.390 MHz (100mW transmit power)
  • 439.400 MHz (50mW transmit power)

As usual, liaison will be on the VK5RSB Summertown 70cm repeater which operates on 439.900 (-5MHz) 91.5 CTCSS. Please come up on the repeater so we know who is out hunting, and how you are faring throughout the evening! If we don’t hear from your, we may recover the foxes before you find them!

We also have a mailing list, and a Facebook Messenger group – please contact Mark VK5QI ( if you would like to be added to this!

The event is open to anyone with radio direction finding equipment, with the foxes hidden within the bounds shown on the above map. We would love to see you there!


Mark VK5QI

AREG’s Radio & Electronics Sale – Saturday October 26th 2024 – Registrations Now Open!

AREG’s Amateur Radio & Electronics Sale will be held on Saturday the 26th of October, at the DogsSA Training Facility in Kilburn as a car boot sale format. Gates will open at 9:30AM for sellers, and 10AM for buyers.

We will be inviting all of the SA Radio Clubs to participate, and we’ll also have a number of commercial vendors including Elite Communications, with more to be announced soon!

The entry fee will be $5 for buyers, $10 for a seller car park spot, with an extra $5 for a trailer spot. We’re now accepting bookings, so email to reserve your spot!

Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the event!


October 26th


We hope to see you there!

Project Horus 62 – Flight Report

Horus 62 launched just after 10AM on the 11th of August, from the Auburn Community Oval. Weather conditions were excellent, with light winds and a clear sky – great for taking photos! The flight reached an altitude of 34km (6km higher than we expected!), and landed in a paddock north of Clare. Unfortunately the Wenet imagery payload stopped transmitting part-way into the ascent but it did continue to capture pictures to its internal SD card, like this great shot of the Adelaide area from 28km altitude:


We had a good turnout at the launch site, with quite a few AREG members and some visitors from the mid-north areas.

A big thanks to Michaela VK3FUR for capturing some great photos of the launch activities at the Auburn Community Oval! Some of these photos are in the slideshow below:

Flight, Tracking, Chase and Recovery

After launch, the chase teams headed north to visit Matt VK5ZM and Peter VK5KX, who had set up a tracking station to the north-east of Clare to provide reliable Wenet reception throughout the flight. Using Peter’s auto-tracking antenna system as a guide, we were even able to spot the balloon mid-flight, and continue to watch it right until it burst at an altitude of 34640m, well over 6 km higher than the expected burst altitude of 28km!

Horus 62 flight path

After burst the chase teams headed onwards to the predicted landing area, hoping to catch a glimpse of the payload on descent. While we were able to spot it on the way down, it was a bit too far away for any photos…

The payloads landed on the edge of a paddock, and the chase teams headed to a nearby farmhouse to get permission to enter the area. The farmer was friendly and had no problems with us driving in to recover the payloads, however we soon received a phone call from the neighbouring farmer, who had been given a heads up about the payloads landing, and had already picked them up!

Unfortunately not as much care was taken with the payloads as normal, so some will require some repairs and rebuild to be flight-ready again.

Horus 62 Flight Statistics

Launch Date:2024-08-11T00:51:46.000000Z
Landing Date:2024-08-11T02:54:32.000000Z
Launch Site:-34.05267, 138.66930
Landing Site:-33.66618, 138.51952
Distance Travelled: 45 km
Maximum Altitude:34635 m

Wenet Payload

This flight used our ‘Wenet HQ’ payload, which features a Picam HQ camera, with a fairly decent lens in front of it. The payload also used Ruihi batteries instead of the usual Energizer Lithiums.

While the payload initially performed fine, for an unknown reason it stopped transmitting at about 14km on ascent. We were quite concerned that the entire payload might have shut down (perhaps due to battery failure?), however on recovery we found that it was still operating, and analysis of the SD card contents showed it had been capturing images all throughout the flight, right up until we opened the box to turn it off.

A selection of the best photos from the payload are as follows:

Thanks to Peter VK5KX, Matt VK5ZM, Autumn VK5CLD and Peter VK5APR for running Wenet receive stations for this flight!

Horus Binary Telemetry Payloads

Both of the Horus Binary telemetry payloads performed perfectly throughout this flight (as we would hope, given these are our primary tracking payloads!). The test payload running a single Ruihi Lithium AA cell performed fine, indicating these cells are probably suitable for use on future launches in place of the Energizer AAs.

Thanks to the following stations that helped track these payloads:



Full statistics on how many packets each station received, and their reported Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), are available on the flight dashboard.

TheThingsNetwork Payload

Liam’s TheThingsNetwork payload performed very well this flight, with 91 stations receiving telemetry, including one to the east of Bendigo, over 630km away! A map showing the receiver locations is below, with more detail available on the flight dashboard.


Thanks to all that took part in this flight, from those helping at the launch site, chasing, tracking, or just watching at home! We’re hoping to get another few flights off before the end of the year, so stay tuned to the AREG blog!

September Meeting – Adam VK2YK/VK5GA – “The GreenGube (IO-117) Experience!”

Adam’s presentation was recorded and is available here:

The next AREG meeting will be held on Friday the 20th of September at the Fulham Community Centre – Phelps Court, Fulham, with doors opening at 7:00 PM, and the presentation kicking off at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome!

Adam’s portable setup for working IO-117 and other satellites

This month’s presentation will be from Adam VK5GA/VK2YK on operating the GreenCube (IO-117) Medium-Earth-Orbit amateur satellite!

Adam will give a run down on his journey and experience so far with IO-117 (Greencube) Digipeater satellite, including info on his setup and issues encountered along the way. He will provide a brief update on health of the satellite at the moment.

If you’ve never come along to one of our meetings, we’d love to see you there, all guests are welcome at the hall. For our remote members, the meeting will be broadcast via Zoom, and will be recorded for upload after the evening.

After the talks we’ll all be given an opportunity to have an eyeball QSO among ourselves whilst enjoying a tea or coffee and a biscuit.

73, Mark VK5QI