The AREG has designed, built, supports and maintains three premiere repeater sites located through out the Adelaide and Metro area.
The list below are those core repeaters and services that AREG support through our membership fees, in-kind donations and the generosity of our members donating their spare time and materials.
If you are a regular user of any of these repeater services have you considered joining AREG to support your local repeater? The AREG receives no additional funding from state or national bodies to help offset the costs of these services, so please consider supporting the club that supports you !
VK5RSA Adelaide CBD and Eastern Foot Hills (70cm)
- 438.025MHz with -7MHz split, (91.5Hz CTCSS) TX power 20W, 6dB co-linear antenna
The VK5RSA repeater is located atop Westpac House in the Adelaide CBD. This is one of the premier communications sites in Adelaide. Access to the site has only been possible thanks to the generous sponsorship of KernWi-Fi Internet.
To see how far the Adelaide CBD repeater covers, check out the coverage map:
VK5RSB Summertown Wide Coverage (6m/70cm/23cm)
Prime AREG repeater site with massive coverage.
- 53.750MHz with -1MHz split, TX power 20W, co-linear antenna
- 439.900MHz with -5MHz split, CTCSS tone 91.5Hz, TX power 80W, dipole array
- 1273.500MHz with +20MHz split, TX power 10W, co-linear antenna
- 500Ah battery back up system
The 23cm voice repeater installation can be watched here thanks to Mark VK5QI and Grant VK5GR
To see how far the Summertown repeaters cover, check out the coverage maps:
What is the announcement on this repeater about traffic being logged?
Unfortunately since approximately 2013 this repeater has been one of the targets of “trolls” and malicious interference. Despite being reported to the ACMA, the perpetrators have not yet been found. AREG is currently recording all traffic on the repeater in order to continue to provide information to the ACMA about the interference in the hope that it can eventually be dealt with. Meanwhile, the announcement is there to alert people to the recorder that is running.
If you can provide any DF bearings of the malicious signals including signal strength, direction and time, we can use that information in addition to the data being collected and sent to the ACMA. Please contact the club with any details you have.
VK5RWN Banksia Park (2m/70cm/23cm Digital Voice & Data)
The AREG have also recently taken over the maintenance and financial support the VK5RWN D-Star repeater system in Adelaide. The AREG are currently seeking donations and in-kind support from D-Star Users across Adelaide, if you use this system then please consider joining AREG and throwing your support behind this repeater.
- Port C DV 147.0375MHZ with +600kHz split, TX power 25W, co-linear antenna
- Port B DV 438.400MHz with -5.4MHz split, TX power 25W, co-linear antenna
Port A DV 1273.700MHz with +20MHz split, TX power 10W, co-linear antenna– Currently Offline- Wireless Link 5710MHz simplex, +/-10MHz BW, 4W EIRP, +25dBi dish
- 200Ah battery back up system
To see how far the Banksia Park D*STAR repeaters cover, check out the coverage maps:
IRLP & Echolink
AREG also provides IRLP services through VK5RSB 70cm.