AREG Car Boot Sale – THANK YOU!

Thank you everyone for your support of the AREG Car Boot Sale! It was a roaring success and will be back in 2023!

The venue is “David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn

(Click to enlarge)

(Note this is NOT the greyhound racing track at Angle Park)

Special thanks to all our sponsors and Retailers!

VK5 Inwards QSL Bureau Sorting Day – supported by AREG

It was a great turnout today at the 6 monthly VK5 QSL Bureau sort which in VK5 is operated by the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group on behalf of the WIA. We had 12 AREG members and partners get involved with sorting just under 12kg of QSL cards. These will be made available for collection at the AREG Car Boot Sale on September 3rd.

WIA member and affiliated club cards not collected at the sale will be mailed out the following month.

The Car boot sale is the ideal time for non-members to drop by and pick out their cards  from the non member QSL collection too.

AREG: 2021/2022 – A Year in Review

The Amateur Radio Experimenter’s Group Inc held its Annual General Meeting on Friday August 19th. Our new office bearers for FY22/23 are as follows:

President:Gerard VK5ZQV
SecretaryMark VK5QI
TreasurerChris VK5FR
Committee:Michael VK5MN
Committee: Scott VK2JAX
CommitteeBob VK5FO

A vote of thanks was given to the departing committee members Kim VK5FJ, Jeff VK5AC and Andrew VK5AKH for their contributions to the committee in 2021/22.

Members can contact the committee through the vk5arg @ mailbox.

2021/22 was a big year for AREG. The following highlights will give you a sense of what was achieved this past year!

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VK5RWN DMR 70cm Digital Voice Repeater NOW ON AIR!

AREG is pleased to announce that our new DMR repeater commenced operation on Saturday 14th August at ~3pm ACST! The service operates on 438.900MHz  TX -7MHz RX from the VK5RWN D*STAR site and is operating in parallel with DSTAR through common TX/RX antennas.

This has been a 12 month project funded and developed by the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group to restore DMR service to the Adelaide metropolitan area.

The project has been made possible thanks to the generous donation of a DR3000 Motorola repeater by Andrew VK4QF. It also required a new cavity diplexer and antenna setup which combined VK5RWN DSTAR on 438.4 with the DMR on 438.9 onto common antennas, developed by Paul VK5BX. In addition, a new IP Router was installed to expand our available ports to accommodate the new service. All up a core team of 6 members were involved in the installation and commissioning of the system – thanks everyone for your contributions!

The repeater would not have been possible if it wasn’t for VK5RWN’s core infrastructure already developed at the site, including internet connectivity by Adelaide based ISP KernWi-Fi, who is also a sponsor of other AREG projects.

There will be an introductory presentation on DMR at the AREG September meeting. More details closer to the date!

AREG Car Boot Sale: Saturday 3rd Sept – UPDATE

Preparations have been proceeding well for the Inaugural AREG Radio & Electronics Car Boot Sale on Saturday 3rd September. We are pleased to announce that we will have a number of commercial vendors represented, including Connect VK, QSL Communications (from Brisbane) and DX Radio Systems (from Perth). (DX Radio systems is the Flex Radio dealer in VK).

How to take part?

Buyers will be allowed onto the site from 9:00am to purchase entry tickets. Tickets are $5.00 (cash only on the day). The early check in time will give you a chance to avail yourselves of the sausage sizzle and coffee van prior to the buying frenzy getting under way.

The gates to the buying area will

open promptly at 10:00am. 

I want to sell something at the event – how do I book?

Amateur interest in the event is very high too with over 2/3rds of the seller spaces already allocated. If you want to book a car park, do not delay! Email: with your request ($10/car or $15/car+trailer).

Sellers can arrive from 8:30am and will be directed to the sellers car park on arrival. Sellers will this weekend receive further details about the event.

Door Prizes on offer!

We have also received support from TET-Emtron, Altronics and Skope-IT with donations of door prizes for the event.

This is shaping up as a great event on the SA Amateur Radio calendar – we look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday September 3rd!

Where is it being held?

AREG AGM 19th August: 3Y0J Expedition – Preparing to visit the most remote place on earth

AREG will be hosting a Zoom presentation by Adrian KO8SCA on the plans for the 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island planned for January 2023 as part of our Annual General Meeting. The presentation will be held at 8:00pm ACST (1030z) Friday August 19th and will be Simulcast live-streamed via the HRDX Youtube channel. We hope to see you there!

REMINDER: Next Adelaide 2m/70cm Foxhunt TONIGHT @ 6:30pm

The next AREG Adelaide 2m and 70cm Fox-hunt event will be held on Friday August 12th. It will once again commence from  the car-park of the Adelaide Aquatic Centre, off Jeffcott Road, North Adelaide. Hounds can assemble from 6.00pm with departure at 6.30pm. Three fox transmitters will again be active on 144.390 MHz, 145.300 MHz, and 439.4 MHz.

The event is open to anyone to enter. Inter-team liaison occurs via the VK5RSB 439.900MHz  (-5MHz with 91.5Hz CTCSS tone access) Adelaide Metro area repeater. Hounds are asked to announce their presence on the repeater if they are late and are joining from other locations.

We hope to see you there!