Project Horus: D-ATV Receiving – Test Transmissions this weekend – HOWTO Get Involved!

The D-ATV test flight of Project Horus is getting closer. This weekend Mark VK5QI will be up on the hills face overlooking Adelaide and will run the balloon transmitter from the ground to give stations a chance to configure their receiving equipment before the main event on Sunday March 7th.

UPDATE: This event has now concluded. Eight stations were able to get setup to receive the DVB-S signals. We are still on track to launch this coming weekend, with the planned launch date still being Sunday the 7th of March at 10AM. If weather conditions do not permit a launch on this date, Monday the 8th of March (a public holiday in VK5) is the first backup date, with a launch the following weekend being the second backup. The launch site is still TBD (either Auburn, Two Wells, or Mt Barker).

Mark will be available live on the air for people to test their receiving systems at the following times and places this coming weekend:

– SATURDAY 27th Feb

  •    – ~11AM Start. ~1 hr duration.
  •    – TX Location: VK5SFA QTH (Woodforde, SA)
  •    – Coordination: VK5RSA 70cm

– SUNDAY 28th Feb

  •   – ~11AM start. ~1 hr duration.
  •   – TX Location: Para Power Station (Blacktop Hill Road)
  •   – Coordination: VK5RSA 70cm.

The setup guide is available here:

NOTE: There may be an update to SDRangel before the launch. The new version will display signal MER (Modulation Error Rate) information, but has not been released yet.

If you missed the AREG presentation on what was required to to receive the balloon, the video is available via the HamRadio DX Youtube channel (Thanks Hayden!)

VK5RWN D-Star update

For information of all VK5RWN D-Star users, remote connectivity has been re-established late Wednesday evening, 21 October.

So users of Hot Spots, Dongles, DVAPs, you can again log onto the VK5RWN C or B modules.

If you have connection problems, you may need to update your hot spot Host Files. If the problem persists, email Ben VK5BB, and he will see what he can do to provide help.

You can also check the VK5RWN dash board to see connections and the Last Heard list,

For those interested in the technicalities, the problem was that when we reconfigured the local router that serves the VK5RWN D-Star computer, we missed setting some ports within the router to allow throughput.

The missing port numbers were not listed within the Icom manual for the setting up the D-Star system. However with some advice from a couple D-Star administrators, we identified the missing port numbers and I also then found them in older set up documents that were not checked in our search for answers. Isn’t that always the way of it?

It turns out that these ports are not needed by the main Icom D-Star system, which was working well without them, but are used by third party software that has been added to the D-Star operating system that allows additional services within the D-Star networks.

Have fun exploring and playing with D-Star.

AREG goes Loopy! HF direction finding loop construction day!

On the 22nd of August 2020, members of the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group met at the QTH of Chris VK5CP for a small hand held magnetic loop construction day. 

The antenna uses the rugged Mini-Kits EME234 Magnetic Loop Antenna module to balance the loop and provide impedance transformation to 50Ω to allow the antenna to feed receivers directly.

Being balanced, these unshielded magnetic loops provide very deep nulls which allow the user to pinpoint sources of interference very accurately.

LDF-450 coaxial cable was used for the loop conductor for improved efficiency and standard plastic plumbing fittings made up the mounting hardware.

Everyone enjoyed success in construction efforts and went home with their own hand held magnetic loop antenna.  A great afternoon was had by all!

Thanks to Chris VK5CP for his hospitality and Jeff VK5AC for BBQ duties..

AREG AGM 2020 – New Committee

Friday the 21st of August saw members gather for our first virtual Annual General Meeting . Over 35 members attended online via the Zoom platform. After all of the reports were presented and accepted, all positions were declared vacant and nominations were called.

The results are as follows:

  • President – Matthew VK5ZM
  • Secretary – Mark VK5QI
  • Treasurer – Grant VK5GR
  • Committee
    • Kim VK5FJ
    • Theo VK5IR
    • Steve VK5SFA
    • Jeff VK5AC
    • Darin VK5IX

We would like to welcome back our committee for 2020/21! Thanks team for agreeing to continue to lead our radio club.

AREG May Meeting: FT8 DXing Q&A – This Friday 7.30pm ACST

The May meeting of the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group will again be held online this month due to the COVID-19 social distancing limitations. It will be held on Friday May 15th starting 7.30pm ACST using the Zoom video conferencing platform for AREG members. A YouTube Livestream via Hayden VK7HH’s HamRadio DX Channel will also be available.

The subject this month will be “FT8 DXing – How to get Started, Tips and Tricks” and will be presented by Grant VK5GR. The format will be based on a live look at FT8 on the air with interaction from members welcome. We will discuss the basics including getting the software installed, but will also explain how you read and position your signals on the band to maximize your chances of a successful QSO, showing you on air as we go.

Non Member Access Planned!

This month, we will be introducing an extra dimension however, with the Zoom meeting also being Live-Streamed to Hayden VK7HH’s Ham Radio DX Youtube channel: (CLICK HERE – Hayden’s YouTube Channel).

This way we hope to make the evening accessible to a wider audience, not just AREG members. So if you are interested in some hints and tips for getting the most out of FT8 when DXing on HF why not tune in at 7.30pm ACST (1000 UTC) on Friday May 15th.


AREG wishes Seasons Greetings, with a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year Year to all!

To all members of AREG and readers, Seasons Greetings to you all, for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year for you, your families and friends.



Remember, large antenna arrays are an OH&S matter late Christmas eve,





We also trust that if you are on the “Nice List” that that new rig that you are thinking about, may be in the gifts found under your family Christmas Tree.




At this time when many people are suffering hardship from the many bush fires throughout Australia, both here in the Adelaide environs and on the East Coast, we trust that you all keep safe and get a break to be able to take time out and relax for some Christmas Cheer with family and friends.

To the many dedicated Volunteers who are selflessly putting in many hours to help within their communities, please Play Safe, Stay Safe, our thoughts are with you and your families and friends at this time.