Project Horus: D-ATV Receiving – Test Transmissions this weekend – HOWTO Get Involved!

The D-ATV test flight of Project Horus is getting closer. This weekend Mark VK5QI will be up on the hills face overlooking Adelaide and will run the balloon transmitter from the ground to give stations a chance to configure their receiving equipment before the main event on Sunday March 7th.

UPDATE: This event has now concluded. Eight stations were able to get setup to receive the DVB-S signals. We are still on track to launch this coming weekend, with the planned launch date still being Sunday the 7th of March at 10AM. If weather conditions do not permit a launch on this date, Monday the 8th of March (a public holiday in VK5) is the first backup date, with a launch the following weekend being the second backup. The launch site is still TBD (either Auburn, Two Wells, or Mt Barker).

Mark will be available live on the air for people to test their receiving systems at the following times and places this coming weekend:

– SATURDAY 27th Feb

  •    – ~11AM Start. ~1 hr duration.
  •    – TX Location: VK5SFA QTH (Woodforde, SA)
  •    – Coordination: VK5RSA 70cm

– SUNDAY 28th Feb

  •   – ~11AM start. ~1 hr duration.
  •   – TX Location: Para Power Station (Blacktop Hill Road)
  •   – Coordination: VK5RSA 70cm.

The setup guide is available here:

NOTE: There may be an update to SDRangel before the launch. The new version will display signal MER (Modulation Error Rate) information, but has not been released yet.

If you missed the AREG presentation on what was required to to receive the balloon, the video is available via the HamRadio DX Youtube channel (Thanks Hayden!)