AREG June Meeting on YouTube: Build your own C64 Computer

AREG is pleased to announce that Hayden VK7HH and the HamRadioDX YouTube channel will be relaying the AREG meeting on Friday night.

The presentation is scheduled to start at 7.45pm ACST (8.15pm AEST).

Our guest speaker will be Michael VK5LN who will talk about his experiences bringing back to life one of the iconic  home computers of the 1980s,the Commodore C64! Whats more, he will show us how he has built a new C64 from scratch using the resources of the modern day retro-computing movement, which is very much alive in 2022!

3D Printing Introduction – Youtube LiveStream Friday 17th 7.45pm ACST

AREG is pleased to confirm that our next meeting will be streamed live on Youtube via the HamRadioDX Channel!

The broadcast will start on Friday 17th September:

  • 7.45pm ACST
  • 8:15pm AEST
  • 1015 UTC


The presentation by Scott VK5TST will provide an introduction to filament based 3D printing. While the technology is large, and there are many ways to use and enjoy it, this is based on one person’s experiences. I approached 3D printing as getting a new tool to help with other hobbies, rather than my hobby being build and development of the printer.

The presentation will discuss the technology, the process, equipment (software, printer and consumables) with some tips on how to get started. Not to mention a few lessons over a year or so of playing with the hobby.

The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group will be hosting the presentation live at our clubrooms at the same time, Phelps Court, Fulham. Doors will be open from 7.15pm. COVID Safe protocols will need to be observed – face masks will need to be worn and COVID Check in will be mandatorty.

Remote AREG members will be able to interact with the meeting via our Zoom link.


Central SA Repeater Network – Livestream Friday 16th July

The next meeting of the Amateur Radio Experimenter’s Group Inc will feature a presentation by Dean VK5HMV on the development of the central SA repeater network over the past 3 years. This is the livestream feed for that event.

Sponsor of the VK5RSA and VK5RKW Repeaters

The stream will start at:

  • 7:45pm ACST
  • 8:15pm AEST
  • 1015 UTC

AREG members will be able to directly interact with the program via the members only Zoom channel.

AREG AGM: Friday July 16th – Presentation: Central SA Repeater Network

The next meeting of the Amateur Radio Experimenter’s Group will be our Annual General Meeting. This will be held on Friday July 16th.

The guest speaker for the evening will be Dean McGinty VK5HMV who will take us through the construction of the central SA linked 2m/70cm analogue repeater system and provide an insight into how it works. This is the network that the AREG Adelaide CBD Repeater VK5RSA is connected to on 438.025 MHz (-7MHz 91.5Hz CTCSS).

VK5RSA itself is proudly sponsored by KernWi-Fi who arranged access to the new home for VK5RSA atop Westpac House in the Adelaide CBD.

Presentation Details

The presentation will start at 7.45pm ACST, 8:15pm AEST (1015 UTC) from the club rooms at the Fulham Community Centre, Phelps Court, Fulham.

For members who cant (or due to COVID dont wish to) attend in person, the program will also be streamed via Zoom.

Online visitors will be able to watch the presentation via YouTube thanks to Hayden VK7HH’s HamRadioDX Channel.

Links will be posted closer to the event.

AREG AGM 8:30pm July 16th

At the conclusion of the presentation, members will be invited to participate in the AREG AGM via Zoom and in person. The AGM will commence at 8:30pm and is expected to last no more than 15-20 minutes.

The event down at the hall will be run as a COVID Safe event. Note that given the rapidly changing COVID lockdown situation, the AGM will be deferred to being an online presentation should we be prevented from holding it in person at the hall.

If you want to  visit us in person, you can find the clubrooms here:


We look forward to seeing you all in July!

Reminder: AREG Meeting this Friday – D-ATV from a Balloon 30km up!

This is a reminder that this Friday’s AREG meeting will be held at the Fulham Community Centre, Phelps Court, Fulham. Doors open at 7.15pm Central summer time with the presentation planned to start at 7.45pm.

Our guest speaker will be Mark VK5QI. He will introduce you to the new Digital ATV payload and what you need to be able to receive and decode it. More information on the presentation is available (here).

Members who can’t attend in person will be able to access the meeting via Zoom (a link will be sent on the members mailing list on Thursday). Non members will be able to watch the Youtube Livestream thanks to Hayden VK7HH and his HamRadio DX channel.

The times are:

  • 7.45pm ACDT (SA)
  • 8.15pm AEDT (NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS)
  • 7.15pm AEST (Queensland)
  • 6.45pm ACST (NT)
  • 6.15pm AWST (WA)
  • 0915Hrs UTC

We hope to see you there!

January 15th Meeting: Electro-Mechanical Pin-Ball Machine Restoration

The next meeting of the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group will be held on Friday January 15th. The club will meet in person at the Fulham Community Centre, Phelps Court, Fulham with the doors opening at 7.15pm. The presentation will get underway at 7.45pm ACDT (8.15pm AEDT, 7.15pm QST, 0915 UTC).

This month’s topic is a little different, but equally fascinating. We will enter the world of Electro-Mechanical Pin Ball machine restoration thanks to Scott VK2JAX. Scott was talking about his activities during one of the clubs members Zoom round table gatherings, and enough interest was expressed that we decided to bring it to a main meeting to share with everyone!

Scott’s journey started in October 2019 when he was looking through Facebook Marketplace and saw a Pinball machine that was a little worse for wear. He couldnt resist purchasing it, and so began the long task of restoration. In this talk, he will go through the activities so far involved in restoring “Jungle”, an Electro Mechanical (EM) Pinball from 1972.

Topics covered will include

  • Why a Pinball for restoration?
  • Tools required
  • Different parts within a machine
  • The Back Box clean up (Stepper units, Score Reels)
  • Coin Door
  • Bottom Panel (Relay Bank, Score Motor)

You will learn about challenges faced, and the relaxing journey of restoring an EM pinball machine!

In addition to the face to face meeting opportunity, the meeting will also be streamed via Zoom for AREG members around Australia.

Non members will also get a chance to see the show streamed live via Hayden VK7HH’s HamRadioDX Youtube channel! Links for the specific Youtube live stream will be shared a few days before the event.

Keep watching the AREG website for details!