** Meeting Date Change ** February 14th – “So you Bought a VNA, Now what?”

The latest must have gadget in any Amateur Radio station has got to be the range of new “Mini-VNA” devices taking the market by storm. Now touted as the ultimate replacement for the humble VSWR meter or antenna analyser, and at a fraction of the price, have you succumbed and bought one too?

More importantly, do you know what to do with it?

Steve VK5SFA will attempt to answer the question “So you bought a VNA, now what?” at the next AREG Meeting – to be held on Friday February 14th. Steve will demo the NanoVNA that he purchased for sub AUD $100 and provide some practical examples of how you can use this technology in your ham shack!

The meeting will be held at the Fulham Community Centre, Phelps Court, Fulham on Friday February 14th (note this is one week early due to the hall being booked for a Festival Fringe show the following week). Doors open at 7.15pm with proceedings getting underway at 7.45pm.

All members and visitors are most welcome! Come down to the AREG and say hello!