If you wish to take part in either communicating with / via Horus 50 or are simply curious as to what is going on the following summary should help. Liftoff is planned for 10AM ACDT (2330z) Sunday morning.
Where is the Balloon?
You can track the balloon via the HabHub Website. Follow this link
What Frequencies can I listen on / talk through?
- 147.500MHz Downlink / 438.900MHz Uplink (with 123Hz CTCSS) Repeater
- 145.100MHz Slow Scan TV Downlink (using Scottie 2 format)
- 145.175MHz APRS Tracking Beacon
- 434.650MHz 100baud RTTY Telemetry
- 434.640MHz 4FSK Binary Telemetry (uses the latest FreeDV software to decode)
When using the FM voice repeater be aware that it will be under controlled net conditions and that the chase teams have priority at all times to use the repeater to coordinate recovery. Net control will be VK5ARG – call in to VK5ARG and listen to instructions please so that everyone can get a turn.
In particular, remember to turn your CTCSS tone on your 70cm transmitter and set it to 123Hz. Forgetting to do so will jam the repeater for every other user.
Where can I get up to date information?
If you have a twitter account, watch Hashtag #horus50 . Updates will also be posted on the AREG’s Facebook page as events unfold.
[custom-twitter-feeds hashtag=”#horus50″]
Further details about the telemetry etc can be found on the main flight information bulletin available from (here).
If i want to see the launch where can I go?
We are launching from the southern oval at Mt Barker High School. The team should be on site from 9am.
Good luck and enjoy this celebration of the 50th flight of Project Horus in the 20th year of the Amateur Radio Experimenter’s Group.