I had the pleasure of activating the VI5ANZAC special event call sign as a single operator station on Wednesday the 29th of April from my home QTH in Highbury South Australia.
I managed to get home from work at a decent hour, get the family commitments out of the way and then sit down at the Radio and call CQ. I started on 40m at 20:00 ACST using my trust Elecraft K3 plus borrowed KPA500 running 200W and a resonant mono-band dipole. I worked a number of local and interstate stations from VK2, VK3, VK4 and VK5. I fell out of the chair when I heard a Japanese station in there calling. The noise and QRM on 40m wasn’t brilliant making communications difficult at times.
I switched to 20m at 21:00 ACST and continued beaming East using 250W. Again I worked a number of local and interstate stations from VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5 and VK6 and now the DX stations started with stations from Canada, the USA, Finland and Japan being logged. Propagation into Europe short path late in the evening didn’t eventuate on 17m, 15m or 10m which was unfortunate.
In total I logged 44 QSO’s on two bands over a three and a half our period, not a bad night for some fun an excitement. Here’s the breakdown of the stations worked;
[table “” not found /]All logs have been submitted to the WIA for EQSL processing. Thanks to everyone that made last night a lot of fun activating a VI5 callsign from home.
73, Matthew VK5ZM