The next AREG Foxhunt will be held on Saturday May 15th, starting at 5:00pm. This hunt is being called the “AREG Masters Hunt”. The aim is to encourage all of the old school fox hunters in particular, as well as our new generation hunters to come along and have some fun. It is an ideal chance to blow the cobwebs off your hunting equipment, particularly if you are planning an assault on the National Foxhunting Championships in Mt Gambier in June.
The winner of this series of hunts, which will be the first person to find both 2m fox transmitters, will qualify for a special AREG Foxhunt trophy to be presented at the June AREG meeting.
There will also be a bonus 70cm fox deployed for those with 70cm equipment.

Team ZSN at the Mt Gambier Foxhunting Championship
The fox hunt will start from the car park of the AREG clubrooms, Phelps Court, Fulham. Hounds are asked to liaise via the VK5RSB 70cm repeater on 439.900 (-5MHz 91.5Hz CTCSS).
After the hunt, everyone will be invited to gather at a venue (TBA) for a coffee and a catch up. Details will be finalised over the VK5RSB repeater. We hope to see you all there!