AREG is pleased to report that its VK5RSB 70cm service is now back to full working order after suffering from an intermittent receive fault for many months now.
The problem was tracked down to a faulty antenna allowing water ingress into the feed line. A new dipole array antenna has now been installed and the feed line has been re-terminated. Early feedback suggests the repeater’s coverage has been restored to normal. Further reports would be most welcome!
The long and short of the story is,
- The LDF5-50 coax termination connector at the top of the coax was removed and internals examined. Plenty of corrosion was found – all green!
- The new antenna checked was then checked on the ground with network analyser and was given a clean bill of health before being installed at the top of the tower
- The coax end at the top of the tower was then cleaned and a new connector was fitted and sealed
Meanwhile, down in the hut, Paul VK5BX could not help himself. He pulled the rack installation apart and refitted all of the equipment and created additional rack space, helped by Peter VK5APR.
Once the VK5RSB repeater was all connected back up, the system was tested. The team measured 75 watts up the “stick”, with 1 watt returned, an excellent outcome!
AREG wishes to thank all crew on site for their help and participation. The crew were,
- Ben VK5BB, lead, 1st rigger,
- Colin VK5ACE, 2nd rigger,
- David VK5MDF, “gofer” ground member
- Hank VK5XB, “gofer” ground member,
- Paul VK5BX, ground technician and antenna tester,
- Peter VK5APR, ground technician assistant
On return from the site there were a number of QSOs with a number of different people, all gave good signal reports and all QSOs were free from that intermittent receive/transmit noise, including the hourly AREG announcement! Further reports are welcome to secretary (at)