Next AREG Meeting: Friday April 21st – 7.45pm
Continuing with our beginners series presentations this year, this month we have Chris VK5SA who will talk us through the basics of the simple wire HF antenna. He will explain the characteristics of a set of simple to build yet effective HF antennas that anyone can make, often for less than $100 worth of materials. He will show you the merits and limitations of several of them, including:
- Basic Dipoles
- Offset Centre Fed Dipole
- Inverted V
- Fan Dipole
- Terminated Folded Dipole
Samples of how to build many of these will also be on hand for people to take a look at.
Meeting Time & Location
The meeting will be held at the Reedbeds Community Centre, located off of Phelps Court, in Fulham. The clubrooms will open at 7.45pm with the meeting to commence at 8.00pm sharp.
Tea, coffee and cake will be available for a small donation after the presentation. Following that, the monthly business meeting will be held.
As always, AREG meetings are open to everyone, so if you are interested in starting out on HF, then this is a great opportunity to hear about some simple antennas to get you underway!
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