Following up from the previous report that VK5RWN D-STAR system was off line due to site mains power failure.
Well the power came back on last night, 13 July 2016, but the internet connectivity did not?
A site visit this morning, 14 July 2016, identified that the POE power supply had died.
This is one of those little Blue QSKJ inverter modules that lifted the 12 volts to 16 volts to feed the router switch and the Ubiquiti WiFi unit up the tower. The faulty unit was replaced with a loan unit.
With the POE PS restored, connectivity was re-established and all is now good. Confirmed that the VK5RWN D-STAR system was fully operational and reporting to the respective D-STAR reporting sites.
Feedback on VK5RWN’s performance and operation may be sent to AREG, or the D-STAR Systems Administrator, Ben VK5BB,