AREG June 18th Meeting: Extended SSB Audio

Extended Single SideBand (eSSB) is any J3E SSB transmission that exceeds the audio bandwidth of standard or traditional 2.9kHz SSB J3E modes (ITU 2K90J3E), using increased bandwidth to support relative high fidelity, full range clean and articulate vocal audio.

At the next AREG meeting, Ivan VK5RS will introduce you to this interesting world of experimentation and will show why people are interested in eSSB and what is possible on the amateur bands. This should be fascinating indeed!

The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group meeting will start at 7.45pm on Friday June 18th. The location will be the Fulham Community Centre, Fulham, South Australia, off Phelps Crt.

The meeting will be streamed on Zoom for our interstate and country members and will be presented on YouTube via Hayden VK7HH’s HamRadioDX Channel.

We hope to see you there!