Next AREG Meeting: 16th April – Meteor Scatter by Kevin VK4UH

Image thanks to

The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group is pleased to announce that we have a special guest speaker this month. (Dr) Kevin Johnston VK4UH will be talking to AREG about Meteor Scatter propagation and how to get started in the mode. Kevin will join AREG members assembled in our club-rooms in Adelaide via video-link from QLD.

Kevin will give us an overview of the astronomy and physics of meteors and their use for making long distance VHF contacts when no other mode of propagation is available.  The presentation is aimed towards those with no prior experience of this fascinating mode of communication.

(Dr) Kevin Johnston VK4UH

(Dr) Kevin Johnston VK4UH is a medical doctor and has been licences for 50 years.  He has had a try at almost all aspects of amateur radio through those years and is now focusing on long distance microwave operation, EME and Meteor Scatter


The presentation is scheduled to start as close as possible to 7:45pm ACST (1015z or 8:15pm AEST). The venue is the Fulham Community Centre, Phelps Court, Fulham. Doors open from 7:30pm.


For the AREG members outside of Adelaide, the session will be also streamed on Zoom.


Virtual visitors will be able to tune in via the “HamRadioDX” YouTube channel thanks to Hayden VK7HH.

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