We are pleased to report that thanks to the hard work of our dedicated volunteers, in this case Matt VK5ZM, Ben VK5BB and Bob VK5FO, we have completed the cut-over to our new Internet link!
The VK5RWN D*STAR repeater has been reconnected to the internet as has the Weather Sonde receive station. The VK5RWN D*STAR Gateway is active and hotspot users should also be able to connect again to our host server.
(Note: Hot spot users may have to wait a few days to allow the Host Files to update VK5RWN’s IP address. It is also recommended that hot spot users log into their hot spots and force an update to the Host Files).
AREG has now moved to a new internet provider. We would like to thank Phil and Christine at Kern Internet for their help in re-configuring the on site router!
Other Dash Boards associated with VK5RWN are also back online, including the registration page and user access to their accounts.
- http://www.jfindu.net/dstarlh.aspx?rptr=VK5RWN
- https://vk5rwn.areg.org.au/
- https://vk5rwn.areg.org.au/Dstar.do
(You may need to allow a security exception to access the pages the first time you log in via the vk5rwn.areg.org.au.)
Adelaide D*STAR users who are not already members of AREG are encouraged to join our group or make a yearly donation to our running costs, to support the D*STAR system here in Adelaide.
We hope you enjoy our return to service!
- VK5RWN 2m 147.0375 +600kHz
- VK5RWN 70cm 438.400 -5.4MHz
Note if there are users in Adelaide that want to experiment with the 1.2GHz ports, please contact us and AREG can look at re-activating them. They were disabled originally after they sat idle for 2 years consuming power for no reason. If interest in D*STAR on 1.2GHz returns we can turn them on again.