The next meeting of the Amateur Radio Experimenters group will be held on Friday 21st August. The venue as always will be the Reedbeds Community Hall, 19 Fitch Rd, Fulham SA 5024.
This month there will be two guest speakers giving short presentations interrupted by a short business meeting. Doors open 7:45pm, first talk starts at 8pm sharp !
Everything 6m!
The first speaker will be Ben VK5BB who will give a 10 minute talk on the Amateur 6m band and what it has to offer in the summer time months. With summertime on the horizon (finally) it’s a good time to dust off the low band VHF 6m gear and get it ready for the upcoming summer months !!!
This will be followed by a short general business meeting.
FreeDV – getting it working!
The second short technical presentation will be by David VK5DGR on the practical aspects of alignment, use and getting a FreeDV signal to air. With the AREG FreeDV QSO Party (click) just around the corner, now is perhaps a good time to get that SM1000 or PC Interface at the ready ! As is typical with all of David’s talks it certainly should be a good time to sit back and watch or hear Digital HF Voice first hand.
This of course will be interspersed with coffee, cake and opportunities for technical chats around the kitchen bench. Should be a good night to get out of the house and come and play radio.
Look forward to seeing you there
73, Matthew VK5ZM
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