Happy New Year !
The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group next general meeting is Friday the 18th of January 2013.
This months meeting is yet another general get together, we need to ease into 2013. Last month was a record turn out in what has been dubbed “the unofficial Xmas party”. The night was a combination dinner and informal get together with all the trappings. It was certainly great to just have a night off and enjoy the company of other members. An event that will certainly be repeated at the end of this year.
So if you are interested in Amateur Radio then come along and visit at an AREG meeting, find out what the AREG is up to and participate in an evening with other amateur radio operators.
Coffee, tea, cake will be available for a gold coin donation for supper, that is provided we can remember where we left the money tin, coffee and biscuits last year.
We hope to see you there.
73, Matthew VK5ZM