The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group next general meeting is Friday the 19th of October 2012. For those with out a calendar, iPhone or Android device handy that is this coming Friday.
With the nights at last warming up at last it is time to break out of our winter shack hibernation and venture out to the next AREG meeting. How quickly a month passes.
This months meeting is another general get together. Last month saw a good number of members attend, and certainly a good night was had by all. The formal part of the meeting will be kept to as short a time as possible, we set a record last month at just shy of 30 minutes. We’d certainly like to better this record in the coming months. I’d certainly encourage any members that have been doing something interesting over the last few weeks or months to bring it along for an impromptu show and tell.
The invitation for the evening is extended to all persons who may be interested in amateur radio, AREG’s activities and see an amateur radio club in action, however the evening will be primarily focused around AREG’s activities, past, present and future.
So come along and visit at an AREG meeting, find out what the AREG is up to and participate in an evening with other amateur radio operators.
Coffee, tea, cake will be on for supper, that is provided one the incoming executive have learnt how to use petty cash.
We hope to see you there.
73, Matthew VK5ZM