AREG Members have activated the VI5MCP callsign 3 times so far. The members have braved the elements and been out to get the station on the air.
Saturday 11th, Bob, VK5FO and Ray VK5RR set up and operated on 20M and 40M logging 5 countries and 19 contacts with 5 DXCC entities.
Sunday 12th, Bob VK5FO, Ray, VK5RR and Andy, VK5AKH Operated on 40, 15, 30 and 20M A further 21 contacts were logged and 1 more DXCC entity.
Wednesday 15th the 100 year anniversary day, Ben VK5BB operated 40M and 2M adding a further 15 contacts to the log.
Take a look at the VI5MCP QRZ page to see the last 50 Entries in the logs.
More activities are planned and all are pending wx