Due to inappropriate activity where the IRLP node 6214 has been maliciously interfered with and manipulated to the point of triggering lockout responses from other IRLP network nodes, AREG has been forced to require operators to register for access to the node, and for registered operators to use a PIN code for access.
A most unfortunate side effect of this is that we have now locked out incidental travelers from the system and this is not in the spirit of Amateur Radio Operations. ( I am very sorry that this has had to occur, I held out as long as I could!)
Amateur radio operators who wish to use the IRLP node 6214, are requested to apply via email, with a valid email address and call sign, so as to be issued with the PIN. All applications will be recorded for administration purposes.
Applications may be made to either,
vk5bb@wia.org.au or vk5qi@wia.org.au
Security of the issued PIN is paramount and it shall not be passed on verbally to any other interested parties.
All inquiries for the PIN shall be referred to the AREG web pages.
73, Ben, VK5BB
IRLP Node 6214 Administrator